If you don't yet have an account with ProSolutions Training, please fill in your first and last name (as you would like them
to appear on your certificate when you complete a course), an email address, and a password. Your email address will be your
username whenever you return to the site, and we will use it to contact you, if necessary. To
protect your information, you should use your personal email account, and not an address you share with other people.
This account is all you need to get started: purchase courses, view coursework, take tests, and print certificates!
Have a question about child growth and development? Need some tips for classroom management and positive guidance? Maybe you’re interested in curriculum development or promoting diversity in your classroom?
Our resource library is full of articles, videos, and tips on various topics focused on early childhood education and professional development. We have also created some helpful videos on how to use our website and easily connect to your online training courses.
NEW! In Focus Video Series
In each video, you will meet a member of the team and learn how they inspire potential in their role at ProSolutions Training.
Meet Carla Rogg, ProSolutions Training President, and learn what makes ProSolutions Training different from other professional development and online training companies.