If you are taking training to meet annual training requirements or TCCOTS-specific content, sign in to see a variety of courses at no cost to you!
Tennessee Child Care Online Training System (TCCOTS) is a free online learning management system developed and funded through a contract with the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) and Tennessee State University, Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences, and ProSolutions Training.
TCCOTS offers free online training recognized by the TDHS for early childhood educators and supports high-quality child care services in Tennessee. TDHS is committed to promoting high-quality early childhood environments that are safe, healthy, and educationally rich.
TDHS recognizes the value of online trainings as practical alternatives to in-person trainings that support the busy schedules of our early childhood educators. TCCOTS trainings may be completed at any time—days, evenings, or weekends.
Each module is recognized by TDHS for both basic licensing and/or report card training hours.
Health and Safety Training Courses
The Child Care Development and Block Grant (CCDBG) Reauthorization Act of 2014 requires states to develop a system of professional development to improve the knowledge and skills of the child care workforce. Training and professional development in Tennessee is to be conducted on an ongoing basis. Continuous development allows for the incorporation of knowledge of the state’s early learning developmental guidelines, Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) health and safety standards, and social/emotional behavior intervention models (which may include positive behavior intervention and support models).
Child Development Associate (CDA)® Training
TDHS contracts with Tennessee State University (TSU) to provide assistance to educators seeking to pursue an academic-based Child Development Associate (CDA) ® credential from the Council for Professional Recognition. Coursework for a non-academic CDA® credential from the Council for Professional Recognition may be obtained independent of TDHS assistance from other training providers, including ProSolutions Training, Inc.
International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)
ProSolutions Training is accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and each completed training module includes IACET CEUs at no extra charge.
Technical Customer Service is available
Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm EST.
Tennessee Child Care Resource & Referral Network (CCR&R) is a managed network of Child Care Resource and Referral agencies serving eight (8) geographic areas across Tennessee. The CCR&R and provides resources for families, child care educators, employers and the communities who support quality care and education.
CCR&R Quality Coaches are highly trained and educated to provide child care professionals with the training and technical assistance they need to provide the best care possible for Tennessee’s children. CCR&R offers Tennessee Child Care Provider Training (TN-CCPT) at no cost to assist early childhood educators with meeting training requirements. Click here to locate and register for in-person trainings nearest you.
Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) is the professional development and continuing education hub for early childhood educators in Tennessee. Utilizing the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards for Professional Preparation as its framework, TECTA offers collaborative supports through eight (8) higher education institutional partners. Click here to find and contact the TECTA site nearest you.
TECTA offers the Tennessee Early Childhood Program Administrator Credential (TECPAC), an award by the Tennessee State University Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences. Designed for early childhood directors, TECPAC incorporates both NAEYC standards and competencies from either the Program Administration Scale Measuring Early Childhood Leadership and Management (PAS) or Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) from the McCormick Tribune Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Click here to learn more about TECPAC.
TECTA offers 30-clock hour Orientations designed to provide foundational knowledge in the following content areas:
- Administration
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- Center-Based Care
- Family Child Care
- Infant-Toddler Care
- School-Age Care
TECTA offers technical assistance and financial support for child care providers seeking accreditation by either the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC) or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Click here to learn more about available accreditation support.
Kid Central
ProSolutions Training
Child Care Payment Assistance (Child Care Certificate Program)
Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards
Childcare Tennessee